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Removes message headers matching a list of patterns.

Can be used in

proxy, serviceProxy, soapProxy, transport


					[<include>pattern</include> | <exclude>pattern</exclude>]...
Listing 1: headerFilter Syntax


In the example, only headers starting with Content or the Location header will be kept; all others will be removed from requests and responses.

				<serviceProxy port="80">
					<target host="www.membrane-soa.org" />
Listing 2: rewriter Example

Child Elements

Name Cardinality Description
include 0..* Contains a Java regex for including message headers.
exclude 0..* Contains a Java regex for excluding message headers.

The first matching child element will be acted upon by the filter.


This interceptor is by default applied to both requests and responses. By wrapping it in an <request>...</request> (or <response>...</response>) element, you can select to apply it only to requests (or only to responses). See request and response.