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Can be used in

serviceProxy, soapProxy, transport, beans


				<balancer name="string" sessionTimeout="int">
					<xmlSessionIdExtractor >?
					<jSessionIdExtractor >?
					<byThreadStrategy >?
					<roundRobinStrategy >?			
Listing 1: balancer Syntax


				<serviceProxy port="2000">
						<xmlSessionIdExtractor namespace="http://chat.predic8.com/"
							localName="session" />
							<node host="node1.predic8.com" port="8080" />
							<node host="node2.predic8.com" port="8090" />
							<node host="node3.predic8.com" port="8100" />
						<byThreadStrategy maxNumberOfThreadsPerEndpoint="10"
							retryTimeOnBusy="1000" />			
Listing 2: balancer Example


Name Mandatory Default Description Example
name no Default Uniquely identifies this Load Balancer, if there is more than one. Used in the web administration interface and lbclient to manage nodes. balancer1
sessionTimeout no 3600000 Time in milliseconds after which sessions time out. (If a session extractor is used.) Default is 1 hour, 0 means never. 600000 (10min)

Child Elements

Name Cardinality Description
byThreadStrategy 0..1 Sets the balancer strategy to thread based.
clusters 0..1 Specifies a list of clusters.
jSessionIdExtractor 0..1 Extracts JSESSIONIDs.
roundRobinStrategy 0..1 Sets the balancer strategy to round robin the nodes.
xmlSessionIdExtractor 0..1 Specifies local name and namespace of session element.