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Examples showing Interceptor Usage

Membrane ESB and Monitor distributions contains many samples that show how to use the various interceptors. Each example can be found in a subdirectory within the examples directory. There is a README.txt file for each example located in the respective directory. The readme explains how to run the example and how it works.

Example Description Directory
Access Control List Shows how to protect resourcs based on client ip, hostname and URI. examples/acl
Basic authentication Explains how to secure a resource with HTTP Basic Authentication. examples/basic-auth
Content Based Routing Shows how to configure content based routing. examples/cbr
Groovy Scripting How to run Groovy scripts on responses and requests. examples/groovy
Loadbalancing Distribution of calls to several endpoints. examples/loadbalancer-static
Logging Show how to log request and response with log settings. examples/logging
Logging to CSV Shows how to log request and response to CSV files. examples/logging-csv
Logging to File System Shows how to log exchanges to the file system. examples/file-exchangestore
Logging to JDBC Shows how to log request and response to a JDBC compliant database. examples/logging-jdbc
Login Shows how to setup authentication using a simple login screen, the first step to Single Sign On. examples/login
REST 2 SOAP Demonstrate how to call a SOAP Web Service by using a HTTP GET request. examples/rest2soap
REST 2 SOAP with JSON Same as REST 2 SOAP, but the response will be a JSON object. examples/rest2soap-json
REST Quickstart Introduces general configuration and interceptors to transform the messages using regular expressions or XSLT stylesheets. examples/quickstart-rest
SOAP Quickstart Introduces general configuration, SOAP validation and the exposing of Web services as REST resources. examples/quickstart-soap
SOAP Validation Demonstrate how to validate SOAP messages against WSDL definitions and XML schemas examples/validation/soap
Throttling Requests Shows how to delay and limit parallel requests. examples/throttle
URL Rewriting with Regular Expressions. Describes how to change URLs. examples/rewriter
Versioning SOAP Web Services using a Content Based Router Describes Web Services Versioning realized by keeping the endpoint, but using versioned endpoint implementations. examples/versioning/routing
XSLT Transformations Transformation of a responses XML content with XSLT. examples/xslt